Community Baptist Church
June 30th, 2024
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Minister: Rev. Chaplain Sharon Ball-Robertson
Music Leader: Mike Robertson Worship Leader: Sandy Bingaman Head Usher and Greeter: Candi Kolteryahn
Mission Moment
Prelude/Time of Meditation
Call to Worship* (Responsively)
I will praise you, O God, for you have lifted me up
and have given my enemies no cause to rejoice.
Hearing my cries for help, you healed me;
bringing me from the very depths of hell, you restored my life.
Let all faithful people give thanks, and praise God’s holy name.
For your anger, O God, lasts but a moment, while your graciousness lasts a lifetime.
Weeping lingers for a night, but joy comes with the morning.
You have transformed my life from mourning to joy,
making my spirit dance and my heart sing.
May our praise never be silenced as we give thanks, and praise God for ever and ever. Amen.
“Shine, Jesus Shine” Chorus 142*
“To God Be the Glory” Hymn 8*
“Revive Us Again” Hymn 20*
“Father, I Adore You” Chorus 194
“You Are My All in All” Video Pastoral Prayer
Old Testament Reading (Lamentations 3:22-33) Insert*
Gospel Reading Mark 5:21-43
Leader: This is the Word of God for the people of God.
All: Thanks be to God
“Shine, Jesus Shine” Chorus 142*
“To God Be the Glory” Hymn 8*
“Revive Us Again” Hymn 20*
“Father, I Adore You” Chorus 194
“You Are My All in All” Video Pastoral Prayer
Old Testament Reading (Lamentations 3:22-33) Insert*
Gospel Reading Mark 5:21-43
Leader: This is the Word of God for the people of God.
All: Thanks be to God
Sermon “Faith”
“Since Jesus Came Into My Heart” Hymn 561*
Offertory Prayer
Receiving the Offering
“Great Is Thy Faithfulness” Hymn 54
“The Bond of Love” Hymn 137*
We are one in the bond of love,
We are one in the bond of love;
We have joined our spirit with the Spirit of God
We are one in the bond of love.
*Please stand as you are able
July 7 Communion and Deacon Fund Offering
July 14 Governing Board Meeting
July 21 Quarterly Board Meeting
To date, $490.00 has been given for the One Great Hour offering.
Today is the final emphasis for this offering. Thank you for your generous giving.
Those recovering from and still battling cancer:
Hollis Brewer Sylvia Linzy Mark Kunkowski
Teal Yvonne House Randy Brooks
Denise Folds Jennifer Pullen Toby Smith
Hailey Courntney Speers
Please continue to pray for Cheryl Matlock’s family as they are on a mission trip in Turkey well as effective ministry as the gospel is presented.