Community Baptist Church
July 8, 2024
Call to Worship (Responsively)
My lips will pour forth praise,
Because You teach me Your statutes.
My tongue will sing of Your promise,
For all Your commandments are right.
Let Your hand be ready to help me.
For I have chosen Your ways.
I long for your salvation, O Lord,
And Your law is my delight.
Let me live that I may praise You.
And let Your ordinances help me.
(Psalm 119:171-175)
Psalm Reading Psalm 123
Gospel Reading Mark 6:1-13
Leader: This is the Word of God for the people of God.
All: Thanks be to God
Sermon “Shake the Dust Off Your Feet”
Prayer Concerns
Those recovering from and still battling cancer:
Hollis Brewer Sylvia Linzy Mark Kunkowski
Teal Yvonne House Randy Brooks
Denise Folds Jennifer Pullen Toby Smith
Hailey Courtney Speers
Our special offering during June, the One Great Hour of Sharing offering, finished up with a total of $ 515 in contributions. Thank you so much for your faithful giving.
Our head Deacon, Charles Brewer, will be at the back this morning after worship to receive offerings for the Deacon Fund. These funds are used to help people in need.
Calendar Highlights
Today Communion and Deacon Fund offering
July 14 Governing Board Meeting after Worship
July 12 Coffee Hour with Bingo
July 17 Committee Reports Due in the Church Office
July 21 Fellowship meal after Worship and Quarterly
Business Meeting
July Birthdays
July 10 Keith Jones
July 13 Beverly Claghorn
July 15 Cheryl Matlock
July 15 Mary Solorio
Anniversary this month:
July 26, Steve and Sharon Amburn
Community Baptist Church