Community Baptist Church
June 23, 2024
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Minister: Rev. Chaplain Sharon Ball-Robertson
Music Leader: Mike Robertson Worship Leader: Sandy Bingaman Head Usher and
Greeter: Candi Kolteryahn
Mission Moment “Share the Light” Video
I Am a CBC Member
Prelude/Time of Meditation
Call to Worship* (Responsively)
Let us give thanks to God for every good gift; let us give thanks to God for people of courage who help to give hope wherever there is need.
Today we especially pray for the people recently impacted by natural disasters--those who have lost their lives or their loved ones, those whose livelihoods and homes have been battered by the fury of the wind, sea and storm, as well as mudslides, tornadoes and earthquakes.
Be with them all, O God, with your tender mercies and abiding hope.
We pray for the first responders who indeed offer hope in a tangible form – firefighters and paramedics, police officers and soldiers, doctors and nurses, pastors and so many others who brave danger and are a source of comfort and strength.
Our prayers will not cease when the storm passes, nor will our gifts. We are grateful for One Great Hour of Sharing and its partners who are assisting so many who will be there when the cameras are gone.
Thanks be to God for the people who are generous with their time, their talents, their prayers, and their gifts, for they are surely a sign of God’s good reign. Amen.
“We Bow Down” Chorus 65*
“How Majestic Is Your Name” Chorus 14*
“O Worship the King” Hymn 28*
“Sweet Hour of Prayer” Hymn 414
“Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying” Hymn 413
Pastoral Prayer
Psalm Reading Psalm 124*
Gospel Reading Mark 4:35-41
Leader: This is the Word of God for the people of God.
All: Thanks be to God
Sermon “Trembling Dependence”
“I Need Thee Every Hour” Hymn 382*
Offertory Prayer
Receiving the Offering
“When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder” Hymn 463
“The Bond of Love” Hymn 137*
We are one in the bond of love,
We are one in the bond of love;
We have joined our spirit with the Spirit of God
We are one in the bond of love.
*Please stand as you are able
Those recovering from and still battling cancer:
Hollis Brewer Sylvia Linzy Mark Kunkowski
Teal Yvonne House Randy Brooks
Denise Folds Jennifer Pullen Toby Smith
Virginia Bigelow is at Tulsa Rehabilitation Hospital after a short stay at St. Francis Hospital. Please keep her in your prayers.
Please continue to pray for Cheryl Matlock’s family as they are on mission in Turkey. Prayers requested for their continued safety as well as effective ministry as the gospel is presented.