Community Baptist Church
September 15, 2024
Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost
Minister: Rev. Chaplain Sharon Ball-Robertson
Music Leader: Mike Robertson Worship Leader: Sandy Bingaman
Head Usher/Greeter: Candi Kolteryahn
Mission Moment Sandy Bingaman, Wilma Robertson
Prelude/Time of Meditation
Call to Worship (Responsively)*
L: This day Jesus is calling to you.
P: Lord, help us to hear your call.
L: This is a time of decision.
P: Lord, help us to be strong and faithful.
L: Come, let us celebrate God's love.
P: Let us rejoice in the call of our Savior.
L: Teach us your ways, O Lord,
P: Help us to be closer to you. AMEN.
“He Keeps Me Singing”
Hymn 572*
“Thy Loving Kindness” Chorus 222*
“Give Thanks” Chorus 170
“There’s Something About That Name” Hymn 66
Psalm Reading Psalm 116:1-9
Old Testament Reading Isaiah 50:4-10
Leader: This is the Word of God for the people of God.
All: Thanks be to God.
Sermon “The End of the Story”
“I Am Thine, O Lord” Hymn 385*
Offering Prayer
Receiving the Tithes and Offerings
“Trust, Try, and Prove Me” Hymn 437
“Blest Be the Tie That Binds” Hymn 135*
Blest be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love!
The fellowship of kindred minds
Is like to that above.
*Please stand as you are able.
During September we will receive the World Mission Offering. Please be praying as to how God would have you give.
Please pray for those recovering from cancer and those still battling cancer:
Hollis Brewer Sylvia Linzy Mark Kunkowski
Teal Esmeyer Yvonne House Jennifer Pullen
Randy Brooks Toby Smith Jenny Chambers Denise Folds
The infant we are praying for, Lily Elizabeth, is still hospitalized. Please keep her in your prayers that she can come home soon.
Annual Gathering for Central Region is September 27 and 28.
Please pray for safe travels, spiritual renewal, and wisdom for decisions during the business meeting.
On Wednesday nights, our current Zoom Bible study is looking at the book of Philippians. I find a midweek Bible study and prayer time with others who are likeminded to be beneficial. If you have never joined us, try it! You might like it! I’ll be glad to e-mail the Zoom link to you. Just ask.
Pastor Sharon
September Birthday:
September 19 – Jim Hays