Community Baptist Church
March 2, 2025
Transfiguration Sunday
Minister: Rev. Chaplain Sharon Ball-Robertson
Worship Leader: Sandra Bingaman Music Leader: Mike Robertson
Mission Moment America for Christ
Prelude/Time of Meditation
Call to Worship (Responsively)*
It is easy to stand here in the valley of our comfort.
We know what to expect and what is expected of us.
But Christ calls us to the mountain top to receive a new vision.
We are not sure we are ready for that.
Place your hope and trust in Christ, for He is your guide.
Let us open our hearts to Christ, ready for the vision He places before us. AMEN.
“Praise the Name of Jesus” Chorus 87*
“Love Divine” Hymn 31*
“Here, O My Lord, I See Thee Face to Face” Hymn 157 “Holy Ground” Chorus 86
Pastoral Prayer
“There Is a Redeemer” Chorus 111
Psalm 99 Pew Bible, Page 484
Luke 9:28-36 Pew Bible, Page 841
Leader: This is the Word of God for the people of God.
ALL: Thanks be to God.
Sermon “The Transfiguration”
“Be Thou My Vision” Hymn 378*
Offertory Prayer
Receiving the Tithes and Offerings
“Glory to His Name” Hymn 548
Sending Forth: “As We Go”*
Words are on the back page
*Please stand as you are able.
As we go, may your Spirit go before us.
As we go, may we follow where You lead.
May we live what we have learned,
Share the message we have heard.
And be a light unto the world as we go.
4 Angel Vann’s Birthday
9 Time Change – Move Clocks Forward
10 ABW monthly meeting – Please bring snacks to share
14 10:30 Coffee Hour with bingo
14 1:00 – 3:00 Baby Shower with covered dish meal. Please
bring food and a baby gift. (If you can only come to one
event, please come to the baby shower.
16 ABW Chicken Noodle Dinner (Donations go to missions.)
21 Charles Brewer’s Birthday
Prayer Concerns: