January 21st, 2024
Minister: Rev. Chaplain Sharon Ball-Robertson
Music Leader: Mike Robertson
Worship Leader: Sandra Bingaman
Head Usher and Greeter: Candi Kolteryahn
Mission Moment-RMMO Offering
Call to Worship:
Come joyfully before the Lord!
God knows us and loves us!
Come prayerfully before the Lord!
God sees our concerns, our fears, our sins!
Come hopefully before the Lord!
Christ proclaimed God's love and forgiveness
for all His people!
Know throughout all of your being, that God
absolutely loves you!
How precious and powerful that knowledge is!
Thanks be to God! AMEN.
Prelude/Time of Meditation
*”We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise“ Chorus 1
*” Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee” Hymn 53
Musical Offering/Receiving the Offering
*”Doxology” Hymn 39
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him, above, ye heav’nly host
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Offertory Prayer
“My Faith Looks Up to Thee” (vs. 1,2) Hymn 393
Pastoral Prayer
Psalm Reading Psalm 139:1-16
Old Testament Reading 1 Samuel 3
Channels Only Hymn 92
Sending Forth
*”Bind Us Together” Chorus 140
Bind Us together, Lord
Bind us together, Lord,
bind us together with cords
that cannot be broken.
Bind us together, Lord
Bind us together, Lord
Bind us together with love.
*Please stand as you are able
Calendar Highlights
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:45 a.m. Worship
10:00 a.m. Liberty Church
12:00 p.m. Annual Business Meeting
2:00 p.m. Zo Church
7:00 p.m. Hispanic Service with Pastor Palacios
6:00 p.m. Zoom Bible Study
21 Sunday, Noon-Lunch, Annual Business Meeting
4 Communion and Deacon’s Offering
Have you been thinking about joining the Wednesday night Zoom Bible study? With the start of the New Year, we are spending a few weeks discussing the current situation in Israel and the Gaza Strip and how this conflict started centuries ago with Isaac and Ishmael. Please join us for this timely and insightful discussion of current events.
Pastor’s phone: 918-704-4967
Church phone: 918-622-4334