Community Baptist Church
August 11, 2024
Call to Worship (Responsively)
Out of the depths we cry to you, O God.
Hear our voices!
We wait for you;
in your word we hope.
O magnify God with me.
Let us lift God’s name together,
for we sought the Holy One
and He answered us;
God delivered us from all fear.
Look to God, beloved, and rest in Him.
All: Amen.
Psalm Reading Psalm 34:1-8
Old Testament Reading I Kings 19:1-8
Leader: This is the Word of God for the people of God.
All: Thanks be to God.
Sermon “Surprise Sabbaths”
Closing – As We Go
As we go, may Your Spirit go before us.
As we go, may we follow where You lead.
May we live what we have learned,
Share the message we have heard,
and be a light unto the world as we go.
Prayer Concerns - Those recovering from and still battling cancer:
Hollis Brewer Sylvia Linzy Mark Kunkowski
Teal Esmeyer Yvonne House Courtney Spears
Denise Folds Randy Brooks Toby Smith
Hailey Jennifer Pullen
Please continue to pray for the family of Ken Fringer. Thank you to all who helped with the “Casserole Shower” for the family during this difficult time.
August birthdays:
August 17 - Pat Hale
August 25 – Burr Kannady
August 28 – Rita Siglin
August 31 – Pastor Sharon